Dream Vision of Galactic Fleets in our Athmosphere - by Maria
Dear Ones
Dreamtime visions are increasing.
This morning I had a clear and vivid dream of driving in a car. As I looked up towards the sky, I saw a ship of golden colors hovering right above the lower clouds in the atmosphere.
There are many space crafts in our atmosphere within the Astral and Etheric plane now.
Many ships are cloaked and will reveal themselves when the moment is right.
They are from many divisions within the Galactic Fleet that is here to aid our planet in Peace.
My awareness was drawn to the sky more and as I looked around, more ships revealed themselves to me.
I saw many different kinds of ships in our atmosphere that was many different sizes and shapes.
Many of these ships are on a higher dimensional frequency and can be revealed to all when humanity is in a higher state of frequency. The aim is for all to raise their vibration on the surface of the planet. This will probably occur at the time of the event.
Once the collective consciousness is on a vibration that radiates Love, Joy, Kindness, Peace and Light, all on the planet will be able to make this connection and receive similar experiences that will enhance life for all.
If you are so guided, you may take a few moments each day to feel a deep sense of Peace within and find ways in your daily life to increase your vibration.
It is time for us to soon greet our Galactic Neighbors in Joy and Peace.
They are eager to land, to greet all on the surface of the planet and to assist and aid humanity with The Golden Age where there will be freedom, prosperity and abundance for all.
Even if there is chaos out there, it is recommended to stay in your center, breathe and remain calm.
In Love and Light
Maria Nesa
Link to the original post: https://www.thegoldenagegoddess.com/2020/02/dream-vision-of-galactic-fleets-in-our.html
Do you want to share with us?
Do you have any experience of contacting positive Extra-Terrestrial beings in the dream state? If so, and if you want to share it, you can send this to the following email addresses, then we will publish them on this blog.
You are also invited to share your past life memories. Do you perhaps remember any lifetimes you had as an ET being before coming to Earth?
You can also send us your visions of the Golden Age as well. How would life on Earth be? How human beings would interact with positive ET?
Those of you, who would like to share their memories, visions of Golden Age or dream time experience are free to do so anonymously if necessary. We also heartily welcome any pictures of ET dream encounters (or other interdimensional encounters). You do not need to be a professional artist, just draw from the heart, even if it is only a sketch – not a single sketch will be deemed as ''too unprofessional to be posted''.
We prefer to receive your experience in English, but we are also happy to get them in any other languages and we will put up the English translation in our best efforts as well as the original version together.
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