Encounter with the Goddess - by Gerhard Asratava

Last night I again had an encounter:

I saw sisi on RTL until deep in the night
amazed about the diplomatic power of the female
when going to bed I had the urge to reserve a Galactic Cintamani
so I did

Next night I called Jagadamba the Goddess of the universe
cause the number 0% of the Goddess presence on Earth
made me feel sick
Jagadamba told me to visit the Goddess in the Galactic center
so I did

It was a great hall, like a very very high cathedral
there was the throne
on the left from my sight the god
I could not clearly see his face and stature
on his left was sitting the goddess
with a beautiful face and stature
in a beautiful robe in deep bronze colour

I asked her to help bringing down the Goddess energy to Earth
She said yes and gave me something
It was a clear white crystal
I thanked her deep from my heart
and sat a while in her presence
nurturing my cells with her divine light
then I fell into sleep

I put the crystal into my heart
the crystal opened and a substance like in an oyster
flew out and spread all over the planet
Goddesses came to all these places
and temples were built
many people coming there


Do you want to share with us?

Do you have any experience of contacting positive Extra-Terrestrial beings in the dream state? If so, and if you want to share it, you can send this to the following email addresses, then we will publish them on this blog.

You are also invited to share your past life memories. Do you perhaps remember any lifetimes you had as an ET being before coming to Earth?

You can also send us your visions of the Golden Age as well. How would life on Earth be? How would human beings interact with positive ETs?

Those of you, who would like to share their memories, visions of Golden Age or dream time experiences are free to do so anonymously if necessary. We also heartily welcome any pictures of ET dream encounters (or other interdimensional encounters). You do not need to be a professional artist, just draw from the heart, even if it is only a sketch – not a single sketch will be deemed as ''too unprofessional to be posted''.

We prefer to receive your experience in English, but we are also happy to get them in any other languages and we will put up the English translation in our best efforts as well as the original version together.

More information on what can be shared with us can be found here:
